Yes, dear readers. Another one bites the grey. Lucienda Ray turned 52 in year 1 B.O.C.
Nearby family celebrated, and when she was asked who gets the title of Mayor, she said that she would hand it to Angel Dion. Many sims couldn't believe it!
But nonetheless, year 2 B.O.C., the first alien of a non-alien dominated neighborhood was elected Mayor of Crescent County.
Currently, no photos are available, but he is related to the webmaster of Crescent County's home site, Alakai (Dion) Miguel. Both Alakai and Angel are Aridia immigrants as well as their parents and their sister, Alora.
Many sims are taking the news of this well, and even some rejoicing; but not everyone's happy about this ordeal.
Let's hope this plays out okay.
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