The sims's here...

And I have it. :D
I'm going to keep my TS3 and TS2 blogs separate, so if you want to see
my TS3 blog, it will be here.
Of course, with my brand-new, shiny TS3, TS2 will be neglected a bit. I will definitely continue updating, I just don't know when. I'm sure you understand. :)

Tata for now!

Bury my heart @ Crypt'O'Night Club

Mandie is 27

Mandie Jenner finally took the plunge; she tore herself away from Jenner Photography long enough to experience the nightlife. She stopped by Midnight Flows, and decided to order a drink while listening to people who've had a little to much to drink attempt to sing.

She mainly came to meet up with a Mr. Sinjin Couderc; a nice guy she met on SimHarmony. Neither one of them were interested in a relationship; Mandie for fisical reasons, and Sinjin for "fear of commitment" reasons.

Soon, they were deep in conversation, and she noticed that Sinjin made sure the bartender kept her glass full. She would have objected, but hey! Why would you turn down free juice? She spent the rest of the night in a haze, but here's the summary:

Of course, there was always Thomas. They dated a few times back, and he always lifted her spirits. She decided she strung him along for too long; she made it official. She and Thomas are now going steady, and she couldn't be happier. So why was Sinjin, the jerk that ditched her at Crypt'O'Night Club after he got what he wanted, still on her mind?

I really didn't understand what was with Mandie; Sinjin is an incredible jerk! And yet, he's on her mind (and want panel) 90% of the time, while it's zip for Thomas here. (Keep in mind that she and Thomas share three bolts, while she and Sinjin share only two) The only reason they're going steady is because she autonomously chose to do so. Hmmm...